Types of Caries (con't)

5. Nursing Bottle Caries- "baby bottle caries"

nursing1.jpg nursing2.jpg This pattern of decay is found in young children and mainly involves the maxillary anterior teeth. It typically occurs when the child is allowed to fall asleep with a sweetened liquid in their bottle or feeding children sweetened liquids, multiple times during the day.

So, why do you think nursing bottle caries is mostly seen involving the maxillary anterior teeth and not any of the mandibular teeth? 

6. Recurrent Decay

This type of caries will be found in locations that have been restored.

recurrent1.jpg Recurrent decay noted on the following:

#11 - distal

#14 - mesial

#19 - distal



recurrent2.jpg Recurrent decay noted on the following:

#4 - distal

#29 - distal

#30 - mesial





7. Incipient Decay

This term refers to decay that's just beginning and is at a location that has not previously experienced decay.

incipient.jpg So, can you see the incipient decay on this x-ray?





8. Arrested Caries

arrested1.jpg arrested.jpg This type of decay describes a carious lesion on a tooth that was demineralized, but has undergone remineralization or caries that stopped due to the remineralization process. Arrested caries may be seen as dark, hardened areas within the tooth.

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